Pumpkin Everything

Picture credit to Pinterest

Well, it’s the time of the year again where the dead walks among the living. Roaming on earth, the nastiest, scariest creatures as we celebrate the opening of the hell’s gate dressing up to be one of them.

Halloween is coming!

Although this celebration isn’t as popularly celebrated in Malaysia, I’ve developed the sense of liking to this holiday. Probably because when you missed out the fun when you’re actually in UK, you try to bring it back or maybe I’m just really into ghouls and the unseen.

So, pumpkin everything!!

In conjunction of the holiday spirit, I begin experimenting with pumpkin. From baking goods to warm soups and well, it was disastrous.

Checking out recipes online but could never stick to any because I’m always missing a few ingredients. Hence, I tend to improvise A LOT. Oh, it’s definitely healthy but probably not the tastiest that you’ll taste.

The Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookie

  • 1/4 (whole) Fresh pumpkin blended
  • 1 1/2 cups of Instant oats
  • 1 cup of Muesli (optional for other seeds, nuts, etc.)
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 4 tablespoon Honey (for sweetness)
Pumpkin Oatmeal with all sorts of seeds
Pumpkin Oatmeal with all sorts of seeds

The Pumpkin Soup

Well, I kinda made this out of pure luck hence, the measurements are all by estimation. So, I’m just going to skip the recipe for this but yeah! My first attempt in making pumpkin soup.

Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Soup

Regardless of how bad my first attempts were, I am thankful for having my BFF who literally eats whatever I made! Blessed! =)

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